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Our News lives on Social Media

We recognise you spend most of your time on Social Media, so we select the stories that matter and publish them on Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram & Facebook

Content you can Trust

We only report facts rather than share opinions. We recognise you have your own thoughts and don’t want to hear ours.


If you want to find out more our podcasts are a great place to start. We assemble a diverse set of voices to allow you to hear all sides of the stories that matter.


Publishing Strategy

It is our ambition to build a news organisation that stands the test of time. We plan to evolve alongside the world in which we live. We need your help to make sure we get this right.

Our 5 commandments

  • We know you’re busy – We won’t use any more words than we have to
  • You are interested in facts not what we think – Echo chambers are available elsewhere
  • Everyone is unique – We believe in diversity and a right to free speech
  • We’re in this to build communities not our bank balances – We’ll share our profits with projects that make the world a better place
  • We’re in this together – We will invite our audience to help us choose which stories we cover

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We’d love to hear from people who share our vision.

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